Trainings and Events

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January 26, 2021, 1st Workshop for Risk Assessment:  Successes and Challenges for Safety Assessment, organized by the Federal University of Paraná, University of São Paulo, and University of Washington (RISK21 training module)


May 19, 2020, Society of Toxicology Virtual Meeting session on "Application of RISK21 Framework in Regulatory-Based Decision-Making:  From Business Decisions to Prioritization to Risk Assessment."  [click on title to access pdf of presentation]

February 18-19, 2020, Risk Assessment Summit Meeting, Washington, DC, USA.  


May 21, 2019, Toxicology Forum Meeting on "Determining relevant low-level chemical exposures" meeting, Brussels, Belgium.  A presentation on "Exposure and Hazard-Driven Prioritization for Evaluation of Chemicals in Canadian Drinking Water" was given by Dr. Ivy Moffat (Health Canada).

April 29, 2019, Water Prioritization Webinar.  A presentation on "Exposure and Hazard-Driven Prioritization for Evaluation of Chemicals in Canadian Drinking Water" was given by Dr. Ivy Moffat (Health Canada).

December 12, 2019, American Chemistry Society AGRO Lunch & Learn Webinar.  An overview presentation on RISK21 was given by Michelle Embry (HESI).  A recording of the presentation is available here.


November 3, 12, 2018, ICCA Symposium on Microplastics, Sacramento, CA.  2019.  A presentation on the RISK21 Framework was given by Michelle Embry (HESI).

July 25, 2018, College Park, MD. An overview presentation on RISK21 was given to the summer fellows at the Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN) in College Park, MD. There were two fellows from China, one from Taiwan, and one from Ghana.  A summary of their work was presented at HESI and ILSI offices in August 2018, and three of the fellows utilized the RISK21 approach and matrix tool in their work.

June 21/22, 2018, Ottawa, Canada.  A poster on the RISK21 project was presented at the 2018 ICCA-LRI Conference on “Demonstrating 21st Century Methods and Critical Tools for Risk-Based Decisions.”

April 18, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia.  1-day Continuing Education Course on RISK21 at the IUTOX / CTDC with approximately 20 participants.


November 29/30, 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Case study workshop with ILSI Argentina; requested by the Argentine Food Safety Network (RSA, National Res.Council in Argentina-CONICET).

August 24/25, 2017, Hangzhou, China. Case study workshop with Chinese Food Safety Authority; follow-up to previous 2015 course; engaged regulators from every province in China.

June 22, 2017, Como, Italy.  Presentation on “Using Exposure Bands for Rapid Decision-Making in the RISK21 Tiered Exposure Assessment” at the ICCA-LRI and JRC Workshop on “Fit-For-Purpose Exposure Assessments For Risk-Based Decision Making” by Rosemary Zaleski (ExxonMobil).

January 31, 2017, Ottawa, Canada. Presentation on RISK21 at the “Progress and Challenges Implementing 21st Century Safety Evaluations:  Environmental Health ICG Meeting” by Michelle Embry (HESI).


November 2-3, 2016 workshop in Ottawa, Canada. A 1.5 day workshop was planned at the RA Centre, Clark Hall to present the science of risk assessment as envisioned by the RISK21 collaboration to emerging and established Health Canada scientists and regulators.  To achieve this, the specific goals of this workshop were to communicate the overarching principles of the RISK21 approach, provide an introduction to the roadmap and visualization matrix, and conduct hands-on case studies to educate participants on the application of the RISK21 roadmap in risk assessment.

June 13-14, 2016 workshop in São Paulo, Brazil. A 1.5 day workshop was held to present the science of risk assessment as envisioned by the RISK21 collaboration to emerging and established Brazilian scientists.  There were 45 participants from Brasilian government (ANVISA), industry, and academia. The workshop was co-sponsored by ILSI Brasil and hosted by Bayer CropScience.

June 15-16, 2016 workshop in Brasilia, Brazil. A 1.5 day workshop was attended by ~40 participants from Brasilian government (ANVISA, IBAMA, MAPA), industry, and academia and was co-sponsored by ILSI Brasil.


October 20-21, 2015 workshop in Taipei, Taiwan. A 1.5 day workshop was planned at the He Shuo Lecture Hall, College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University to present the RISK21 approach and application of the RISK21 tool from Taiwanese perspectives. The workshop was co-organized by ILSI Taiwan, National Health Research Institutes, Food Safety Center of National Taiwan University, and the Toxicology Society of Taiwan.

October 22-23, 2015 workshop in Nanjing, China.  A 1.5 day workshop was held at the Nanjing Jinhui Hotel in Nanjing City. The workshop was co-organized by the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People’s Republic of China (NHFPC) and the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA) and sponsored by the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Focal Point in China.
The objective of this workshop was to present the science of risk assessment as envisioned by the RISK21 collaboration to emerging and established Chinese scientists. To achieve this, the specific goals of this workshop were to communicate the overarching principles of the RISK21 approach, provide an introduction to the roadmap and visualization matrix, and conduct hands-on case studies to educate participants on the application of the RISK21 roadmap in risk assessment.

October 25, 2015 workshop in Wuhan, China. A half-day Continuing Education Course was held at the China Society of Toxicology Meeting in Wuhan, China. This half-day short course was focused on the hands-on application and use of the RISK21 web tool.

August 2015: RISK21 presentation at JIFSAN. Presentation on the RISK21 Project to the summer fellows at the Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN) in College Park, MD. The JIFSAN Food Safety Risk Analysis Professional Development Training Program was created in 1996 and its goal is to build capacity and empower professionals to meet their mandate in the area of food safety risk analysis. The 3 month training program includes coursework as well as an individual research project. The six 2015 fellows were from China, Taiwan, Thailand, and Bangladesh, and are each engaged in risk assessment research projects related to food safety. ILSI provided sponsorship to five of the fellows, and several of them also attended the October RISK21 workshops in China and Taiwan.

May 2015: HESI RISK21 Case Study/Web Tool Workshop. A 1.5-day hands-on case study workshop was hosted at the US FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition in College Park, Maryland, on 28–29 May 2015. The workshop was attended by 28 scientists from the US FDA and the US EPA and involved 11 case examples designed to illustrate the RISK21 approach and the use of the online RISK21 matrix web tool.


February 2014: RISK21 Seminar for US FDA. At the invitation of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the HESI Risk Assessment in the 21st Century (RISK21) Technical Committee conducted a half-day seminar on the RISK21 approach on 18 February 2014 at FDA facilities in College Park, Maryland, USA. (Details)


July 2013: ILSI HESI Workshop: Risk Assessment in the 21st Century. The HESI Risk Assessment in the 21st Century Technical Committee organized a workshop in Tokyo with nominal support by the Society for Risk Analysis Japan. 


January 2011, Washington, DC.  Risk Assessment in the 21st Century Project Workshop
The HESI Risk Assessment in the 21st Century Project (RISK21) held a workshop entitled “Realizing the Future of Risk Assessment” January 11, 2011 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC.(Details)